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Engineering - Design - System Integration


Versa Tech designs Plant & Process Floor Plan in coordination with the A&E and Facility Engineering to produce LEAN and highly efficient factory.

Design services include


  • Detailed on-site investigation of existing & proposed operations

    • Evaluation of Process specification

    • Study of Shop Operation Procedures

    • Study of Supply Chain

    • Evaluate Bills of Material and Process Routing

    • Analysis of Quality requirements

    • Analysis of Maintenance requirements

    • Study of Security requirements

    • Study  Support services requirements


  • Future-state operations are analyzed using the Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST®). VTA is certified MOST engineering.


  • Current-state operations are analyzed through use of verifiable video tools.


  • Specify Equipment Requirements

    • Floor space & clearance

    • Utility requirements

    • Manpower requirements

    • Support services requirements


  • Develop  an initial floor plan to determine space requirements


  • Develop initial options for material movement


  • Develop initial IT/OT Network and communication


  • Develop a software Simulation of the facilities, equipment, processes and production. The Simulation provides virtual operational solutions and answers ‘what-if’ scenarios to produce the most LEAN and cost effective investment solution.


  • Finalize Designs in coordination with Facility and Site Engineering


  • Construction Management support


Powertrain Flexible Maintenance Facility


LEAN process and equipment design and specification for a construction solicitation for an 142,000 square foot, $85MM integrated facility for the re-manufacture of reciprocating diesel engines. Processes include over 22,000 SKUs; engine receiving, disassembly, cleaning, painting, machine shop/welding, test/measurement, parts storage, engine assembly, dynamometer testing, containerization, shipping and an IT inventory control system. Versa Tech received the Anniston Army Depot Certificate of Appreciation Commander Award.

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Powertrain Transmission Facility


LEAN process and equipment design and specification for the construction of an 110,000 square foot, $46MM integrated facility for the re-manufacture of transmissions and related assets. Processes include; transmission receiving, disassembly, cleaning, painting, machine shop/welding, test/measurement, parts storage, transmission assembly, dynamometer testing, containerization, shipping and an IT inventory control system.

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Simulation & Master Planning


Simulation of all existing processes and equipment to develop the Master Plan to convert an existing vacant building into a standalone manufacturing factory for an existing product currently manufactured in several buildings at the same site. The factory to include administrative areas, conference rooms, break rooms, locker rooms, machining and process equipment to include CNC machining centers, quality control measurement equipment, welding, heat treat, abrasive blast, protective finishing equipment, plating, anodizing, painting, assembly, preservation, and packaging. Develop an Equipment Floor plan layout for (100) production Work cells to produce (200) SKUs.

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