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Engineering - Design - System Integration


Versa Tech provides the design, programming, installation and commissioning of FactoryTalk Historian software to provide Real-time and Historical Data access to process and production information.

  • Electronically Historize large volumes of production data in Real-time. No waiting on manually collected data that is stale data by the time it is available. Simplify records for both compliance and processing.


  • Develop ‘Golden Batch’ data trends that predict and provide alerts of processes that will not produce the optimum results.


  • Provide analysis for predictive maintenance for proactive mitigating actions.


  • Develop comprehensive Clean-In-Place (CIP) reports combining temperatures, flow rates, chemical solutions, and date-time stamp for each CIP sequence step.


  • When an anomaly occurs the results often mask the root cause. Trouble shoot systems with the benefit of data that prove what actually occurred



FactoryTalk Historian is a software platform that collects complex manufacturing data to a centralized server providing operation insight from an individual machine, production lines, process equipment across the entire enterprise.

Comprehensive support for redundancy and high availability to ensure minimal data loss and constant access to data.

FactoryTalk Historian captures the data and routes it in real time throughout the FactoryTalk Historian System and the entire information infrastructure, making it possible for everyone to work from a common set of real-time data.


Operators, engineers, managers, and other plant personnel can use client applications to connect to the Historian Server and view manufacturing data from the Historian Data Archives.


Site / Plant Historian Installation


Real Time

Golden Batch Trend Analysis


Pareto Analysis

FactoryTalk Vantage Point is the reporting tool for Historian

FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI from Rockwell Automation is a web-based reporting package that brings all data together into a single information management and decision support system.

The VantagePoint EMI Portal is web based and users browse to it using a standard web browser. It can be fully customized and individual users can personalize parts of the portal for their own use.

Rockwell FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI (VantagePoint) is capable of bringing data from databases into an organized model, to build a portal containing Excel reports, trends, and dashboard displays.

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